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Nature’s (delicious) blank canvas. | 11 oz (2 servings)

Tilapia is one of America's favorite fishes, and for good reason! The mild and flaky fillets shine in pretty much any culinary application. Batter and fry ’em for fish tacos, pan sear and top with zippy chimichurri, coat with buttery breadcrumbs and bake until crispy...the options are endless! Looking to bulk up portion size on one of your weekly meals? Loving the sound of a veggie meal but want some extra protein? Why not add tilapia to your weekly rotation? You’ll be hooked (line and sinker).

The nutrition estimates are representative of a 5.5 oz serving


Produced in a facility that processes eggs, milk, fish, peanuts, sesame, shellfish, soy, tree nuts, and wheat.

Total Time8 minutes
Prep Time


/ serving 2 people

11 ounce


(Contains Fish)


Nutrition Values

/ per serving
Energy (kJ)586 kJ
Calories140 kcal
Fat2 g
Saturated Fat1 g
Carbohydrate0 g
Sugar0 g
Dietary Fiber0 g
Protein29 g
Cholesterol60 mg
Sodium50 mg
Due to the different suppliers we purchase our products from, nutritional facts per meal can vary from the website to what is received in the delivered box, depending on your region.



Pat tilapia dry with paper towels and season with salt and pepper. Heat a large drizzle of oil in a large, preferably nonstick, pan over medium-high heat. Add tilapia and cook until fish is opaque and cooked through, 4-6 minutes per side.

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