HelloFresh’s internal auditing team annually conducts announced audits of its direct suppliers to evaluate, among other things, their compliance with the company’s anti-slavery and human trafficking standards. Audits consist of written questionnaires; interviews with supervisors and management; reviews of existing third-party audit reports; and exhaustive tours of production facilities, farms, worker accommodation, offices, distribution centers, and storage sites.
HelloFresh also reserves the right to conduct unannounced audits of direct suppliers if there is reason to suspect a serious infringement to its Ethical Trading Policy. Suppliers are expected to fully cooperate with unannounced audits, which includes responding to reasonable requests and providing full access to its facilities. Independent third-party audits may be required, as well.
Suppliers identified in either third-party or HelloFresh internal audits as failing to adhere to the Ethical Trading Policy must complete corrective actions to promptly remediate any violations.