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Vibrant Veggie Skewers

Vibrant Veggie Skewers

over Herbed Couscous with a Corn Relish

We’re sticking it to plain and boring recipes, literally: these skewers pointedly make the case for trying something new, fresh, and exciting. The chunks of zucchini, mushroom, and bell pepper lined up on them are brushed in a tangy mustard marinade with multidimensional flavor. For extra action, there’s also an herb couscous and corn tomato relish. Oh, and we should mention that these are just as sensational cooked on the grill as they are in an indoor kitchen.


Produced in a facility that processes eggs, milk, fish, peanuts, sesame, shellfish, soy, tree nuts, and wheat.

Total Time30 minutes
Prep Time


serving amount

4 unit

Wooden Skewers

1 unit

Roma Tomato

13.4 ounce


1 unit

Bell Pepper

1 unit


4 ounce

Button Mushrooms

¼ ounce


1 unit

Veggie Stock Concentrate

1 teaspoon

Garlic Powder

4.5 teaspoon

White Wine Vinegar

2 teaspoon

Dijon Mustard

½ cup


(Contains Wheat)

1 tablespoon

Mediterranean Spice Blend

½ cup

Feta Cheese

(Contains Milk)

Not included in your delivery

7 teaspoon

Olive Oil

2 tablespoon


(Contains Milk)




Nutrition Values

/ per serving
Energy (kJ)2845 kJ
Calories680 kcal
Fat37 g
Saturated Fat14 g
Carbohydrate67 g
Sugar15 g
Dietary Fiber11 g
Protein20 g
Cholesterol50 mg
Sodium610 mg
Due to the different suppliers we purchase our products from, nutritional facts per meal can vary from the website to what is received in the delivered box, depending on your region.


Small Bowl
Small pot
Baking Sheet
Large Pan


Preheat and Prep

Wash and dry all produce. Preheat broiler to high. Place skewers in a dish or wide bowl; cover with water and soak. Core and finely dice tomato. Drain and rinse corn. Core and seed bell pepper, then cut into 1-inch squares. Slice zucchini into ¼-inch-thick rounds. Trim, then halve mushrooms. Chop parsley.

Heat Stock and Make Marinade

Bring 1 cup water, stock concentrate, and a pinch of salt to a boil in a small pot. Meanwhile, combine garlic powder, 1½ tsp vinegar, 1 tsp mustard, and 1 TBSP olive oil in a small bowl (we sent more vinegar and mustard—save the rest for step 5). Season with salt and pepper.

Cook Couscous

Once stock is boiling, add couscous to pot. Cover and remove from heat. Let stand until rest of meal is ready.

Make Skewers

Remove skewers from water. Thread mushrooms, zucchini, and bell pepper onto skewers, alternating between each. Brush with mustard marinade. Season with salt, pepper, and 1½ tsp Mediterranean spice (save the rest for the next step). Place on a baking sheet. Broil until lightly charred and tender, 6-8 minutes per side. TIP: Short on time? Skip the skewers and place veggies directly on baking sheet.

Make Corn Relish

Heat 1 TBSP olive oil and 1 TBSP butter in a large pan over medium heat. Add tomato and corn. Cook, tossing, until tomato softens, 4-5 minutes. Stir in 1 TBSP white wine vinegar and 1 tsp mustard (you will have some vinegar left over). Remove pan from heat and let stand a few minutes to cool, then stir in feta cheese. Season with salt, pepper, and remaining Mediterranean spice.

Plate and Serve

Fluff couscous with a fork, then stir in parsley, 1 TBSP butter, and a drizzle of olive oil. Season with salt and pepper. Divide couscous between plates, then top with corn relish and veggie skewers.