The world of pasta shapes is vast and variable. Short, long, wide, narrow, hollow, filled, corkscrew, ear-shaped––there are shapes for every type of pasta recipe. And while their looks matter, choosing the best pasta shape is about more than just looking great on a plate. Certain shapes are better at clinging to creamy sauces, while others add texture to soups and salads.
That said, there aren’t specific rules that dictate which pasta shapes you should or shouldn’t use. Feel free to use what you have on hand, especially if you have something that’s similar to what’s recommended. “Pasta is not neurotic—it’s easygoing and very forgiving,” says Odette Williams, author of Simple Pasta: Pasta Made Easy. Life Made Better. “Often I’ll just use what I have in the pantry because I tend to have at least five types on hand. Then it comes down to what I’m craving or the pasta dish I’m making. I try to match it with the sauce.”
Pasta, no matter its shape, can be as simple or as complicated as you like. Keeping a jar of ready-made pasta sauce on hand means you always have an easy supper available—but HelloFresh dinner recipes elevate your game, with minimal fuss. In addition to the recipes for each pasta above, check out: