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Boneless Pork Chops

Boneless Pork Chops

This cut’s got chops. | 10 oz (2 Servings)

Searching for a protein that’s easy to cook up and dresses up just about any meal? We’ve got just the thing: boneless pork chops. Pan-seared, grilled, or baked on a sheet pan, these chops cook to a juicy finish real quick. Serve your favorite veg on the side—maybe a chopped salad? Wink, wink. Dinner is served!

Nutrition values for this add on do not account for any cooking oil and are representative of a 5 oz serving.

Produced in a facility that processes eggs, milk, fish, peanuts, sesame, shellfish, soy, tree nuts, and wheat.

Total Time10 minutes
Prep Time


/ serving 2 people

10 ounce

Boneless Pork Chops


Nutrition Values

/ per serving
Calories200 kcal
Fat10 g
Saturated Fat3 g
Carbohydrate0 g
Sugar0 g
Dietary Fiber0 g
Protein27 g
Cholesterol80 mg
Sodium440 mg
Due to the different suppliers we purchase our products from, nutritional facts per meal can vary from the website to what is received in the delivered box, depending on your region.



Pat pork* dry with paper towels and season all over with salt and pepper.


Heat a drizzle of oil in a large pan over medium-high heat. Add pork and cook until browned and cooked through, 4-6 minutes per side.


Turn off heat; remove from pan and set aside. *Pork is fully cooked when internal temperature reaches 145 degrees