Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

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I am redeeming a free box or gift card. Why do I need to enter a payment method?

When signing up for HelloFresh, you are enrolling in a weekly, auto-renewing subscription service.

Coupons or vouchers may discount all or part of your initial delivery, but your subscription will automatically continue (with weekly charges to your account) unless you choose to skip or cancel deliveries.

Just remember to let us know at least 5 days prior to your next scheduled delivery if you wish to skip or cancel — no minimum commitment required.

If you are redeeming an e-gift card purchased from our website, you will not be enrolled in a subscription.

We simply ask for a valid payment method so that you can easily convert your account to a subscription if you wish to continue after receiving your free box.

Rest assured, however, that we will not enroll or charge you for additional deliveries unless you choose to convert your gift card account to a subscription.

How is HelloFresh different from its competitors?

While anyone can deliver a box of food, HelloFresh opens up a full experience that brings the fun of cooking back into your life with:

  • 6-step, approxmiately 30 min., wholesome recipes requiring minimal equipment
  • Up to 40 deliciously simple recipes every week for all our plans
  • Easily customizable menus, flexible deliveries, and option to skip/cancel
How do I view my credits?

On Mobile App

  1. Log in to your HelloFresh account
  2. Click on the Profile icon that appears on the bottom right.
  3. Click on Personal info.
  4. Your credit balance will appear underneath your customer id.

On Web

  1. Log in to your HelloFresh account
  2. Click on your name in the upper right-hand corner and select Account Settings from the drop down menu.
  3. Select Account Info.
  4. Scroll down to Your Credit to view the credit amount on your account. This credit amount will automatically be applied towards your next scheduled non-discounted delivery. If you have both a discount code and a credit in your account, we'll apply the discount in full before issuing the credit.
What should I do if my delivery is late?

You may receive an email from us (or one of our delivery partners) letting you know if there’s a change to your expected delivery day due to extreme weather conditions or other logistics issues.

If your box does arrive late and you are worried about the freshness of your ingredients, please feel free to contact our Customer Care Team here.

How long can my smoothie box stay outside?

We freeze our product at peak freshness and pack them with dry ice inside an insulated box to keep them safe and cold, in case you can’t get to your delivery right away. We even modify our packaging based on season to ensure optimal freshness.
Still, despite shipping your box for maximum freshness, we recommend that you not keep your box outside for more than 6 to 8 hours after delivery.
If your products appear thawed when you open the box, check for temperature:

  • If your product is below 40°F, you can enjoy your Ready To Blend smoothie or place it in the freezer to enjoy at a later date
  • If your product is above 40°F, please discard the products and contact our Customer Care team for further assistance.
How do I update my delivery address on the app?


  • Log in to your account on the app.
  • Click on the Profile icon at the bottom right-hand corner.
  • Select 'Edit' on the tab labelled _Preference Settings.
  • Scroll down to the Delivery section.
  • Click the Edit button for 'Delivery Address'.
  • Edit your address and don't forget to leave delivery instructions!
  • Click Save. Please note that changes will apply to the upcoming delivery that has yet to be billed for.

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